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About Shooting Star Shotgun Sports, LLC




Rhys Arthur is the chief instructor at Prince George's County Trap and Skeet Center, and he also teaches at First Mine Run, Schraders Outdoors, Pin Tail Point and Hopkins Game Farm. He welcomes every type of student whether you are a competitive, intermediate, beginner, or recreational shooter.

Rhys is a National Sporting Clays Association (NSCA) Level III Instructor, and he has over 20 years of shooting and teaching experience. Level III is the highest certification attainable in the NSCA, and Rhys is one of the only shooting instructors that teach in Maryland with this level of certification.

He is a NSCA Master Class Competitor, and he works hard to share his knowledge with others. Rhys also promotes shooting sports in the media and has done several TV segments with American Hunter and local TV stations.

Shooting Instructor Bios

All of our Intructors are Certified, Back Ground Checked and Insured. Each Instructor offers their own special area of expertise. Please contact us with your needs and we will match you to the best Instructor.

Brian Ault

Brian Ault, Level I Shotgun Instructor

Brian is thoroughly knowledgeable in all aspects of gun safety, handling, and shooting.  Regardless of age, and whether you are a newcomer to shot-gunning, or just want to take your scores up a notch, Brian can certainly help you. 

Gregg Adams

Gregg Adams - Level 1 Instructor

Gregg's election as Captain of his high school shooting team began a life long enjoyment of the shooting sports. Whether its skeet, trap, sporting clays or upland/waterfowl hunting with trained retrievers, Gregg is willing and able to provide constructive advice to beginners or experienced shooters. His active  memberships in the NRA, NSCA, NSSA or NUCS, keeps him up to date on all  aspects in the recreational shotgun shooting industry.

Craig Floyd

Craig Floyd - NSCA Level 1 Instructor

Craig is a level one shotgun instructor and active competitor who loves teaching
shotgun sports, especially Sporting Clays. His main focus is on safety, proper fundamentals, and process, to give the student the needed tools to succeed while in the stand or afield. Craig welcomes all ages and skill levels.

Phone 443-458-2620

Bob Mahoney

Bob Mahoney - NSCA Level 1 Instructor

A NSCA Level 1 instructor and active sporting clays tournament shooter, Bob enjoys using his skills and lessons learned from over 30K NSCA registered targets to coach new and intermediate shooters.